Flight Booking Tour Package
adventurous road trip club

Last Updated At: 07-Mar-2023

Fan of the Road Trip Club? Do Check Out these 10 Dos and Road Trip Safety Essentials

Road trips are all about fun, laughing out loud together on petty and big things alike with your pals. What we want to convey is that, in its essence, a road trip is about making memories, being nostalgic, fun and everything nice and good. However, when you plan a road trip make sure to keep in mind the following safety tips which will help you in preventing any unforeseen event.

So, without any further ado, let’s get started.

1. Have that Tune-Up of Your Vehicle

It is very important to make sure that your vehicle is in a good working condition. For this, you can have a proper quality-check of the tires, of your battery, belts, fluids, and air conditioner well in advance. Also, don't forget to have some extra batteries, engine motor oil with you during your journey. Just in case.

2. Have a Good Night’s Sleep

Before you kickstart your journey on road ensure that you have slept well enough and are feeling fit, active and comfortable to drive for a longer duration of time, let’s say 7-10 hours with a few breaks in between. If feeling drowsy, the first things to do is exchange your seat with the driver.

3. Have an Emergency Kit Ready at All Times

Make sure to have a safety kit with you at all times. An ideal safety kit for road safety will include things like -

  • Water bottle (s)
  • Flashlight
  • Warm blankets
  • Proper tool kit in case you need to change tires
  • Smartphone in case of any emergency
  • First aid kit
  • Towels

4. Take Care of the Sun by being Sun Smart

If travelling during the summer season, you can carry hats, sunglasses with you at all times. Even consider covering the car with blankets so that they don’t get very hot under the burning summer sun.

5. Taking Care of the Small Children

Make sure that your child’s safety locks have been activated and there isn’t any kind of poisonous or harmful substance near them. As children are curious, they may end up harming themselves. Also, with an infant in your car, don’t speed up too much and also don’t pull the breaks too hard.

6. Place the Heavy Items in the Lower Storage Sections

By keeping all the weighty things down, you will be preventing them from becoming projectiles in case of an unforeseen accident or even a sudden stop. Thus, if you see anything heavy being placed above other things in the luggage section of your vehicle, immediately place it at the bottom of things. These can include suitcases, and other heavy objects like bags.

7. Have a Good Sitting Posture

Slouching will make you feel drowsy thus, it is highly recommended to keep yourself in a good erect posture. For instance, a good posture essentially means your legs and your arms should be bent a little and close to the whole driving setup so that you can immediately take an action in case of any unforeseen event and also handle the wheel in an efficient manner.

8. Take Regular Breaks

Make sure that at least every two hours, you switch your driving position with someone else or take a loo break and stretch out your body a bit. For this, you can drink water regularly, so that you will naturally end up taking frequent loo breaks.

9. Don’t Multitask While Driving

While you are handling the wheel, always keep your primary focus on just doing that. Don’t drink or eat or talk to someone while you are driving. It breaks your concentration and flow which can land you in some unwanted situation.

10. Have Your Vehicle Insured

As accidents can be unpredictable, it is important to ensure your vehicle is insured beforehand. This will help you leverage any unnecessary incurring costs. And since, you may not be able to prevent them, the best you can do is prepare for them well in advance.

These were the top 10 road trip safety tips to follow while on your adventure. Stay tuned with Adotrip for more useful information and for planning your travel itinerary, you can always choose to do it with Adotrip's Tour planner.

--- Published By  Rohan Bhalla

Flight Booking Tour Package

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