Last Updated At: 18-Oct-2024
Govardhan Puja, similarly called Anakoot (a pile of grain), is performed all throughout the nation on the next day of Diwali. On this day, Govardhan hill (a small hillock in Braj close Mathura) was lifted by Lord Krishna to secure the general population of Gokul and Vrindavan from the overwhelming rainstorms caused by Indra's torment. Through that incidence, Lord Krishna educated individuals to adore nature.
On this day, a hill of nourishment is made refers to the Govardhan mountain and afterwards is loved by the general population. This pooja is performed with extraordinary energy and excitement. In various states like Haryana, there is a ritual of building dairy animals waste hillocks, which refers to the Mount Govardhan and afterwards they brighten it with blooms and love them. They move around all around the dung hillocks and pray to Lord Govardhan.
As indicated by the sacred writings of Vishnu Purana and Srimad Bhagwatam, Lord Vishnu personified as Krishna in Dwapar Yuga as the child of Vasudev and Devaki, however, was educated by Nandi and Yashoda. When Lord Krishna watched his dad, he and other cowherd man were preparing a penalization to please Indra, the King of Heaven, who is capable to shower the rain on the earth.
Krishna asked about the reason behind the sacrifice. Nandi Maharaj answered by telling that this sacrifice is meant to be the annual worship of Indira which has been a tradition since many past years, otherwise Indira would get angry and there will be the scarcity of water leading to scarcity of grains and food.
Krishna requested that his more unfriendly give up the penalization to Indira and love the Govardhan hill because of which the rain happens and the grains develops. He requested that everybody not to read the ceremonies aimlessly and should not frighten to accomplish the best thing.
Nandi Ji and the other cowherd man got convinced and performed the sacrifice to pacify Govardhan. When Indra get to know about this, he got angry and vented his anger upon the residents of Vrindavan by flooding the whole Vrindavan with heavy rains and floods and challenged Lord Krishna.
Lord Krishna grabbed the Govardhan hill with one hand and afterwards lifted it with his left hand with his little finger. Every one of the general population of Vrindavan and cattle amassed the hill and stayed safe. Lord Krishna lifted the hill continuously for seven days and seven evenings and henceforth was addressed by the name of "Govardhandhari" or "Giridhar". Indra surrendered himself before Lord Krishna and acknowledged him as the Supreme Power. Since from that day, Govardhan pooja appeared and is celebrated every year by the Krishna lovers to look for blessings from the Supreme Power.
Adotrip wishes you an extremely Happy Govardhan pooja and trusts that Lord Krishna favours you and your family with lots of flourishing, resources and joy.
--- Published By Adotrip
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