prostate cancer treatment in india

Prostate Cancer Treatment In India

Are you considering Medical Tourism to India to undergo Prostate Cancer Treatment?

Medical Tourism is a growing trend among people who are looking for better healthcare facilities at an affordable price. India today is one of the most preferred destinations for numerous treatments, including Prostate Cancer Treatment.

Prostate cancer treatment involves surgery and radiation therapy, which can help reduce symptoms and improve prognosis if done correctly. Depending on the stage at which the disease is diagnosed, medical experts may also recommend different treatments. This article will provide comprehensive information on prostate cancer treatment cost in India and put forward some basic principles you should consider while making a final decision. 

What is Prostate Cancer Treatment?

Prostate cancer treatment is a medical treatment used to treat prostate cancer. It can range from surgery to radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and chemotherapy, depending on the stage and severity of the disease.

  • Surgery: To remove the tumour or part of the prostate gland (prostatectomy) or robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery.
  • Radiation Therapy: Here, high-energy X-rays or particles kill cancer cells and shrink tumours.
  • Hormone Therapy: This therapy blocks hormones like testosterone that encourage tumour growth to prevent the spread and progression of cancer cells.
  • Chemotherapy: Drugs slow down cancer cell growth, stop it from spreading, and shrink existing tumours.

Benefits of Prostate Cancer Treatment

Below are the benefits of prostate cancer treatment that make it quite popular in India. Check it out:

  • Prostate cancer treatment reduces the risk of further disease progression and avoids potential complications. Treatment can reduce the size of a malignant tumour, stop it from spreading to other parts of the body, and even eradicate it.
  • Treatment options like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and surgery can be combined with lifestyle changes and therapies to help manage prostate cancer symptoms.
  • These treatments are designed to slow or halt the growth or spread of abnormal cells, provide pain relief, and better quality of life.
  • Early detection and treatment may lead to a complete remission of prostate cancer in many cases, and long-term survival rates can be improved significantly by early detection and treatment.
  • Modern treatments like robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy provide significant advantages over traditional approaches. They allow patients to have less invasive surgery with minimal incisions, faster recovery time, and fewer major side effects than conventional surgical techniques.

Eligibility Criteria for Prostate Cancer Treatment

Below are the boxes that must be ticked to be eligible for prostate cancer treatment. Check it out:

  • Appropriate age (usually 50+).
  • Diagnosed with prostate cancer.
  • A family history of the disease.
  • Symptoms include sudden weight loss, urinary difficulty, or lower back pain.
  • High PSA readings.
  • Digital rectal exam reveals a tumour or enlargement of the prostate.
  • Biopsy results show the presence of malignant cells in the prostate tissue.
  • Imaging tests such as MRIs and CT scans demonstrate the tumour's size, shape, and location.
  • Blood work results indicate an elevated haemoglobin level or low white cell count.

Types of Prostate Cancer Treatment

Check out the different types of prostate cancer treatment in India that you can consider while planning for medical tourism.

  • Surgery – Prostatectomy is the most common surgery to treat prostate cancer. There are three types: radical prostatectomy, simple prostatectomy, and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).
  • Radiation Therapy – This treatment uses high-energy X-ray beams to kill cancer cells or shrink tumours. It can be given in two ways: external beam radiation therapy and brachytherapy, which involve radiation delivered directly into the tumour.
  • Hormone therapy – Also known as androgen deprivation therapy, this type of treatment works by blocking certain hormones from reaching the tumour, making it hard for cancer cells to grow and spread. This usually involves using corticosteroid drugs or GnRH agonists and antagonists.
  • Chemotherapy – This treatment involves using anticancer medications such as alkylating agents, antimetabolites, topoisomerase inhibitors, or taxanes to target and destroy fast-growing cancer cells or reduce their growth rate.
  • Immunotherapy – Also known as biological therapy, this treatment stimulates your immune system to recognise and attack cancer cells more effectively. It may involve monoclonal antibodies, cytokines, or other substances, such as interferon alpha, that help your body fight off the disease more efficiently.

Donor Selection and Evaluation

The steps below can help you in donor selection and evaluation for prostate cancer treatment in India. Check it out:

  • Identify the main donor criteria: Donor selection criteria typically include age, gender, blood type, general health, and fitness to donate.
  • Establish eligibility status: Potential donors must be tested for specific laboratory values and markers to determine eligibility for donation.
  • Administer a psychological evaluation: To ensure that a potential donor is in the right mental and emotional state for donation, they should be assessed by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist.
  • Determine the patient-donor compatibility: Compatibility testing ensures the highest quality of transplant material while aiding in anaesthesia management before surgery and limiting transfusion risks post-operationally.
  • Confirm any special medical requirements of the procedure: The donor and physician will need to confirm if any special medical requirements are necessary before transplantation, such as medications or immunisation clearance depending on the specific medical case of each patient.
  • Provide supportive care to both the recipient and the donor's families throughout the process: Family members typically need additional clarification on their roles throughout this process, so they must be all well-informed of pertinent information before proceeding with fundraising or other assistance programs (if needed).

Preparing for Prostate Cancer Treatment

Check out the steps you must follow to prepare for prostate cancer treatment in India.

  • Research different treatment options: Before deciding on the best prostate cancer treatment in India, patients should research the available treatments and discuss the pros and cons of each with a physician or specialist.
  • Visit a Urologist: Patients should consult a certified urologist to understand their condition better and determine the most appropriate treatment. The doctor can also answer any queries about the procedure, expected side effects, costs, etc.
  • Get a second opinion: It's always recommended by experts to get a second opinion from another physician or specialist before committing to any specific prostate cancer treatment in India
  • Ask questions: Patients should feel free to ask the doctor as many questions as possible - such as what are the risks associated with the treatment, what are alternatives if it doesn't work, and how likely it will help you? It can assist them in making an informed choice.
  • Review cost estimates: Depending on the severity of the condition, total estimated costs for physical examination, laboratory examinations, and medications must be discussed beforehand.

Procedure for Prostate Cancer Treatment

Below are the steps followed in prostate cancer treatment. Check it out:

  • Initial diagnosis by radiographic imaging.
  • Review of patient's medical history and laboratory tests.
  • Surgery, radiation therapy, or combining the two treatment methods.
  • Close monitoring of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels to detect recurrence or progression of cancer.

Post-Treatment Care and Follow-Up

  • Follow up with a doctor regularly.
  • Contact a doctor for any concerning symptoms or side effects.
  • Have regular exams and lab tests to monitor for recurrence.
  • Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly as part of lifestyle changes.

These steps can help you recover faster and make you feel better as and when the treatment is completed.

Potential Risks and Complications

  • Urinary and bowel complications
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Chemotherapy's side effects include nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, hair loss, fatigue, and more.
  • Radiation therapy side effects include diarrhoea, bladder irritation, and incontinence.

Following the right approach can help you avoid these complications.

Cost of Prostate Cancer Treatment

The prostate cancer treatment cost in India is around 1,50,000 INR on average. Treatment for the disease includes surgical and radiation-based options such as robotic surgery, low-dose radiation therapy, cryotherapy, and brachytherapy. The cost of treatment might vary depending on the different kinds of hospitals or doctors where it is being done. Here are the estimated Prostate cancer treatment cost in different Indian cities:

  • Mumbai : * Rs. 2,52,485 - Rs. 8,85,000
  • Delhi: * Rs. 2,20,900 – Rs. 9.8 lakhs
  • Bangalore: * Rs. 2 to 3 lakhs
  • Kolkata: * Rs 75000 – Rs 4 Lakhs
  • Chennai: * Rs 1 lakh to 4 lakhs

* It defines an Approximate value.

Outcomes and Success Rates of Prostate Cancer Treatment

  • In India, prostate Cancer screening and early detection programs have improved survival rates over the last decade.
  • Prostate cancer is curable if diagnosed early, with treatments ranging from surgery, radiation, and hormone therapy.
  • Clinical trials sometimes demonstrate a high success rate of up to 98%.
  • Robotic-assisted surgery offers the advantages of shorter hospital stays, less pain, quicker recovery, and better outcomes for prostate cancer treatment in India.

Alternatives to Prostate Cancer Treatment

Below are the alternatives for Prostate cancer treatment that you can consider:

  • hormonal Therapy.
  • Radiation Therapy.
  • Cryotherapy.
  • Surgery.

Last Words

In conclusion, the facts are clear: medical advancements have allowed individuals to receive cutting-edge treatments at modern health centres nationwide while minimising financial and logistical constraints associated with accessing care abroad. Additionally, the cost of treatments and access to top specialists remain competitive in India, making it a viable option for those seeking cancer treatment. Overall, when considering all aspects of prostate cancer treatment in India, individuals can feel secure that they receive quality care and a competitive price. is the perfect partner for anyone looking to travel for medical services in India. Our services include booking flights and accommodation, finding the best experts to assist with your particular medical issue, and researching hospitals, clinics, and labs to ensure you receive only top-quality treatment at great prices. Thanks to our professional staff, experience in the field, and commitment to excellent customer service, we guarantee that you'll have a successful trip abroad while dealing with any medical concerns.

FAQs about Prostate Cancer Treatment

Q: How much does Prostate Cancer Treatment cost?
A: The prostate cancer treatment cost can vary greatly depending on how the treatments are chosen and other factors. Generally, costs can range from several hundred to tens of thousands.

Q: Does insurance cover Prostate Cancer Treatment costs?
A: Yes, insurance companies in India often cover at least part of the costs associated with Prostate Cancer Treatment.

Q: What are the costs associated with different types of Prostate Cancer Treatment?
A: The prostate cancer treatment cost in India varies greatly depending on the type of treatment and the severity of the condition. Generally, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and cryosurgery treatments range from * 20,000-50,000 rupees. Surgery to remove the prostate is usually more expensive and can cost around * 75,000 rupees or more. Some experimental treatments may also be available at a higher cost.

Q: Are there any alternative treatment options that may be more cost-effective?
A: Yes. These include Radiation therapy, Cryosurgery, High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU), and Hormonal Therapy.

Q: How can I plan for and manage the financial burden of Prostate Cancer Treatment?
A: It is important to plan for the financial burden of Prostate Cancer Treatment by researching available resources, planning a budget, reviewing health insurance coverage, and looking into possible sources of assistance.

Q: Can I use a medical loan or crowdfunding to cover Prostate Cancer Treatment costs?
A: You can use medical loans or crowdfunding to cover Prostate Cancer Treatment costs.

Q: What are the different types of Prostate Cancer Treatment available?
A: The different types of Prostate Cancer Treatment available include surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, cryotherapy, and targeted therapies.

*It defines the approximate value

PLEASE NOTE: The medical/health information on our website is for information purposes and not a substitute for medical advice.
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