Rubina Syed: A Journey of Love and Care Made Possible by Adotrip

I’ve been living in London for the past 15 years, building a life here, but not a day went by when I didn’t think about my grandmother back home in Lucknow. She’s everything to me. After losing both my parents, she became my entire world, my anchor. As she was ageing, severe arthritis made it hard for her to move and asthma made even the smallest physical exertion a challenge. Despite this, she lived in an old age home all by herself, and the thought of her being alone was breaking my heart every day.

I wanted to bring her to London, not just for a visit, but eventually to live with me so I could take care of her. But the thought of her flying alone with all her health challenges made me anxious. That’s when Adotrip came to the rescue. They did what I thought was impossible, they brought my grandmother to London safely, and with so much care.

From the very first conversation, the team at Adotrip understood the emotional importance of this journey. Knowing she needed extra care,  they arranged for an in-flight attendant to assist her throughout the trip. Wheelchair support, medical clearance, oxygen assistance in case of an emergency, they thought of everything before I even had the chance to ask.

The day my grandmother boarded the flight, I was a bundle of nerves. But thanks to their diligent staff, everything went smoothly. The moment she arrived in London, she was escorted off the plane with care and attention. When I finally saw her in the arrivals hall, my heart overflowed. The relief in her eyes, knowing she had made the trip safely was priceless.

She later told me how comfortable she felt throughout the flight. "They took care of me like you would have, beta," she said with a smile. And that’s when I knew, Adotrip isn’t just about travel; they’re about people, about making sure that even the most challenging journeys are handled with compassion and expertise.

Now, my grandmother is settled with me in London, and I can give her the care she deserves. If you’ve ever hesitated about helping your loved ones travel due to age or health, let Adotrip show you it’s possible.

With them, nothing is far!



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