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The Ladakh music festival is all set for a return with a bang, and this new edition will be filled with new and exciting elements. The organisers will host a fashion show, hosting the world’s highest motorable road, Umling La, at 19,022 ft. It will be called Fashion Runway, and together it will be called the Ladakh Art and Entertainment Alliance.
This event is scheduled from Aug 23, 2023, to Sep 3, 2023. This show will feature women leaders from G20 countries and guest countries. As per the reports, many title holders of Miss Universe, World, and Earth will participate and share their ideas of empowerment through friendship. According to the sources, beauties like Vanshika Parmar, Miss Earth from India, Giulia Ragazzini, Miss Universe from Japan, Luissa Burton, Miss Earth from the United Kingdom, Annabella Fleck, Miss Earth from Germany, Miss Earth from Italy, Lindsey Coffey, Miss Earth from the USA, Yuumi Kato, Rifah Nanjiba Torsa, Miss world from Bangladesh among others.
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