Share Your Travel Stories

Be A Published Travel Blogger On Adotrip

Where do you save your memories of vacations? Now that’s the point! We either leave them on the phone or save them in pen drives without understanding the power and connection you can build with your unique travel experiences. Here’s your chance to be a travel blogger with Adotrip just by putting these travel memories in words and letting the world know the places with your eyes!

We All Have A Reservoir Of Enriching Travel Stories That Can Inspire Others To Travel

Wake Up The Writer Within & Get Started

In the ‘description’ box, you can write or paste your travel stories. To share photos and videos, in the same box, you will need to do the following:

1. For Videos: Upload the clip you want to share on your social media handles or YouTube channel. Then, click on the ‘Plus’ (+) sign in the description box, tap the ‘play’ icon ( )and add the URL. Also, make sure that the video file is in the MP4 format and less than 50 MB.

2. For Photos: Click again on the ‘Plus’ (+) sign, and then on the ‘camera’ one ( ) and upload from your system. Please ensure that the image is in Jpg or Jpeg format and less than 10 MB.

And, you are done. See! It is that simple.

Content Guidelines

1. Make sure the content is original & 100% unique. You can scan your content with any online plagiarism checker tool.

2. Study about keyword density & its usage before framing your content as it helps in making your blog reach out to a wider audience.

3. Don’t forget to mention your name and credentials so that we can give you the due credits as a content creator.

Please Note: Submission of write-up does not guarantee publishing as your write-up has to meet all the guidelines.

Be Original & Let Your Writing Juices Flow

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